Looks at watch: It's been the time of the end for about a bazillion hours, 32 minutes and 4 seconds.......5 seconds, 6 seconds.......
Vachi 8 He Is
JoinedPosts by Vachi 8 He Is
Time of The END ????
by wobble ina number of religions ,not just the wacky dubs, claim we are in the "time of the end ".
now, leaving out silly numbers and 1914, which was blown away years ago, what do such apocalyptic doom-mongerers have from scripture to give this idea credence ?.
the only thing i can think of , apart from the "cry of peace and security " which is no proof at all, is daniels dream image in dan chap.
I must be missing something...
by stillin ini keep hearing this chatter regarding a new rule regarding the holding of your spouse's hand during a congregation prayer, which, i agree, would be ridiculous.
but where did this rumor start, or was it just some free-lancing elder expressing his own opinion, which escalated to this ripple effect that i see here?.
i haven't seen any less holding of hands at the kh i go to....
Vachi 8 He Is
And how do we get UNstumbled from such nonsense? Practice it. 10 years ago it would've stumbled people if you told them they could have their entire music library on a device that fit in their pocket. 30-40 years ago it stumbled people to show a man and wife in the same bed, however we know at some point they had to get in the same bed at some point in time or else most of us wouldn't be here. 517 years ago people were stumbled over ChrisCo's voyage to prove the Earth "she isa round". The only way we can get past things and not stumble is if we push it to the limit and walk along the razors edge, don't look down just keep our head, or we'll be finished, something something something and something you know, throttle wide open like a bat outta hell and crash the gate. (crash the gate) Wait.......what was I talking about?
"Blinded by Satan"
by Sour Grapes inthe brother who gave the public talk on sunday said.
that people who are not jehovah's witnesses are.
blinded by satan.
Vachi 8 He Is
I remember being punished for this very thing back in elementary school. The teacher had the class design paper snowflakes or snowsleds or some other wintery type thing. The class was to put Merry Christmas on it, but of course when it came time for me to do it the teacher found a loophole and said well what if you put season's greetings on it? I thought a sec about it and said ok because to me this wasn't a loophole it was just saying "welcome the winter season" as far as I was concerned. Well you would think I ran a stolen car into a bank with the intent to rob it while flipping the bird to the cops by the way I was beat over that BS.
Claws, venom, sharp teeth and other defensive things.....
by Vachi 8 He Is inanother thing i don't get is how all these animals have these destructive body parts, yet i'm to believe they were going to all be herbivores had a&e not sinned?
i pose this question to my dub aunt and she goes "animals weren't eating each other before the flood but they the ones outside of the ark had to survive some kinda way so they took to eating each other.".
now, this begs a series of questions: if the animals could survive the flood, what was the point of noah collecting all of them in the first place?
Vachi 8 He Is
I just wish I could get them to listen to what's being shoveled by NOT listening to what's being shoveled. If you went to a Microsoft convention they'll tell you they make the best products. You have to understand why they say this, how it would make you feel if it were true, and who it benefits if you go along with it. "Keep on the watch/loosing gods favor/don't be misled" sustains the ones who are in. The focus on children secures their future. Sarah would not have gone with Reese if she didn't see T-101 or someTHING try to kill her. So the whole "That Terminator is out there..." speech would've fallen on deaf ears. So what do dubs do? Hell, let's make the whole lot of them Terminators, everybody is out to getcha. It sucks to live like that.
Claws, venom, sharp teeth and other defensive things.....
by Vachi 8 He Is inanother thing i don't get is how all these animals have these destructive body parts, yet i'm to believe they were going to all be herbivores had a&e not sinned?
i pose this question to my dub aunt and she goes "animals weren't eating each other before the flood but they the ones outside of the ark had to survive some kinda way so they took to eating each other.".
now, this begs a series of questions: if the animals could survive the flood, what was the point of noah collecting all of them in the first place?
Vachi 8 He Is
Another thing I don't get is how all these animals have these destructive body parts, yet I'm to believe they were going to all be herbivores had A&E not sinned? I pose this question to my dub aunt and she goes "Animals weren't eating each other before the flood but they the ones outside of the ark had to survive some kinda way so they took to eating each other."
Now, this begs a series of questions: If the animals could survive the flood, what was the point of Noah collecting all of them in the first place? If they lived on Earth for at least hundreds of years before the flood, what sense does it make to say that just because it rained for a month and a week that it somehow infused this "dog eat dog" trait within them when there was none before? I mean, it's freekin' water. Since Jerkovah can resurrect every damn thing why didn't he just let Noah and fam go into ark by themselves and take a few chickens, roosters (for eggs) and fruits to eat off of instead of having all these animals peeing and crapping all over the place making that water tight ark just unbearable, and just resurrect the animals after the flood? Also is it not arrogant to say that humans are the catalyst for the resurrection of other species? Meaning every animal that has become extinct has stayed extinct, they haven't been resurrected. Why not? They obviously served some purpose or they wouldn't have been created. So why would they only AFTER MAN cries "peace" and the end come? If were so special and made in his image, why did Jerkovah make the animals first? I mean it went like this: jesus > angels > animals > humans. And kinda off topic but what did he make angels for anyway? He doesn't need help from them.
And then Morpheus says "You've been living in a dream world Neo......."
Another WTF moment...............
by Vachi 8 He Is inwell a few actually......so i'm sitting in the we'redumb hall today, and the core of the topic is recognizing gods qualities through jesus actions and also how jesus spent eons of time with god learning what his father does.
i gotta question: what purpose does that serve?
is god preparing jesus to do something that he himself is tired of or is no longer able to do?
Vachi 8 He Is
Blue, I can only go by what he said. What he MEANT to say as far as I can tell is what YOU would've said in the situation. Who says that the brudduh didn't say exactly what he wanted to say?
Another WTF moment...............
by Vachi 8 He Is inwell a few actually......so i'm sitting in the we'redumb hall today, and the core of the topic is recognizing gods qualities through jesus actions and also how jesus spent eons of time with god learning what his father does.
i gotta question: what purpose does that serve?
is god preparing jesus to do something that he himself is tired of or is no longer able to do?
Vachi 8 He Is
There's so much stuff that a person can lose gods favor with. It comes to a point where you're all "screw this". Cause no matter what we do that bum will never be satisifed. I'm picturing Al Pacino in Devil's Advocate explaining how god yo-yos on stuff.
Another WTF moment...............
by Vachi 8 He Is inwell a few actually......so i'm sitting in the we'redumb hall today, and the core of the topic is recognizing gods qualities through jesus actions and also how jesus spent eons of time with god learning what his father does.
i gotta question: what purpose does that serve?
is god preparing jesus to do something that he himself is tired of or is no longer able to do?
Vachi 8 He Is
Lol you're right. jerkovah please forgive me, in jesus name amen. Now..........where is that hypnotoad?
Why I could not be a JW
by littlebuddy ini could not be a jw because of the following.
i am very weary of churches, org,etc that are so controlled, with little freedom of thought that any expression of difference and one could be on the way out.
also i feel the jw's have the wrong jehovah, wrong jesus, wrong holy spirit, wrong view of salvation, who goes to heaven, the lost, how the lost spend eternity, wrong view of israel, the 144,000, birthdays, etc.
Vachi 8 He Is
My guess..?
"I'm going to be honest with you. I hate this place, this zoo, this prison, this reality, whatever you want to call it. I can't stand it any longer.
It's the smell. If there is such a thing. I feel.. saturated by it. I can taste your stink. And every time I do I feel I have somehow been infected by it,
it's repulsive." -
Why I could not be a JW
by littlebuddy ini could not be a jw because of the following.
i am very weary of churches, org,etc that are so controlled, with little freedom of thought that any expression of difference and one could be on the way out.
also i feel the jw's have the wrong jehovah, wrong jesus, wrong holy spirit, wrong view of salvation, who goes to heaven, the lost, how the lost spend eternity, wrong view of israel, the 144,000, birthdays, etc.
Vachi 8 He Is
*Takes off my cap and hits you in the head with it* Nah just kidding Little Buddy, welcome to the board.